jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Language and Communication

Body Language in Animals

Animal communication has long been the subject of investigations by the science. It covers such a vast and mysterious land that each day he pays more attention and resources to elucidate new knowledge. 
Animals, like us, have their own codes of body language. Humans have lost some of this ability by the development we have achieved with oral language. Speech replaced in people other valuable and interesting forms of expression. Learning how to communicate with each other and with us through your body will give us very useful clues to decipher the messages trying to communicate. 

Many types of animal communication, in different ways and for different purposes, sound communication, physical, visual, olfactory, etc. 

We can also observe communication through sound, which is a language in the strict sense. In animals this type of communication, resulting in barking, roaring, chirping birds, crickets, buzzing, etc. 

We also found the body language, needs no words, no sounds, a single gesture speaks for itself. The animal uses his whole body to communicate in certain situations, for example we can see that birds are teachers in courtship dances. To "win", the male exhibits the best colors of its plumage and makes a series of moves to impress the female. If successful, it will be up joining the dance. The dances can last several hours. 

To send your message, animals may use both light and sound and vibration, smell or even electricity. The basic needs that animals communicating meet generally fall into three categories: food, find shelter and protection or procreate. These messages are relayed from the sensory organs to the brain of the animal, thus providing the necessary information for action to be taken: either eat, attack, flee, mate or ignore. 

For example, animals that live in herds often use this type of signals to establish hierarchies and mark the positions of power. Grooming in monkeys is not only a matter of hygiene, but marks who's boss: the heads are usually the first to be groomed. Also, a visual display as the tail of the peacock is an invitation to mating: turkey shows the female health and ability to breed in the colors of their colorful feathers. 

With the above examples we can realize that body language is extremely important because it expresses too much. Therefore learning a little body language of animals will help us have a better relationship.

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