martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Language and Communication

Nature vs Nurture

The nature versus nurture debate is about the relative influence of an 
individual's innate attributes as opposed to the experiences from the environment 
one is brought up in, in determining individual differences in physical and 
behavioral traits. The philosophy that humans acquire all or most of their 
behavioral traits from "nurture" is known as tabula rasa ("blank slate").
In recent years, both types of factors have come to be recognized as playing 
interacting roles in development. So several modern psychologists consider the 
question naive and representing an outdated state of knowledge. 

Comparison chart



What is it?In the "nature vs nurture" debate, nature refers to an individual's innate qualities (nativism).In the "nature vs nurture" 
debate, nurture refers to 
personal experiences 
(i.e. empiricism or 
ExampleNature is your genes. The physical and personality traits determined by your genes stay the same irrespective of where you were born and raised.Nurture refers to your 
childhood, or how you 
were brought up. Someone 
could be born with genes to 
give them a normal height, 
but be malnourished in 
childhood, resulting in 
stunted growth and a 
failure to develop as 
FactorsBiological and family factorsSocial and environmental 
I found this information in the next page:

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Language and Communication

Types of Communication

People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in which it is being sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of communicating also affects communication. So, there are variety of types of communication.

Types of communication based on the communication channels used are:
  • Verbal Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication
Verbal Communication

Verbal communication refers to the the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of writing. Objective of every communication is to have people understand what we are trying to convey. In verbal communication remember the acronym KISS(keep it short and simple).

When we talk to others, we assume that others understand what we are saying because we know what we are saying. But this is not the case. usually people bring their own attitude, perception, emotions and thoughts about the topic and hence creates barrier in delivering the right meaning.

Verbal Communication is further divided into:
  1. Oral Communication
  2. Written Communication
1. Oral Communication

In oral communication, Spoken words are used. It includes face-to-face conversations, speech, telephonic conversation, video, radio, television, voice over internet. In oral communication, communication is influence by pitch, volume, speed and clarity of speaking.

Advantages of Oral communication are:

It brings quick feedback.
In a face-to-face conversation, by reading facial expression and body language one can guess whether he/she should trust what’s being said or not.

Disadvantage of oral communication

In face-to-face discussion, user is unable to deeply think about what he is delivering, so this can be counted as a:

2. Written Communication

In written communication, written signs or symbols are used to communicate. A written message may be printed or hand written. In written communication message can be transmitted via email, letter, report, memo etc. Message, in written communication, is influenced by the vocabulary & grammar used, writing style, precision and clarity of the language used.

Written Communication is most common form of communication being used in business. So, it is considered core among business skills.

Advantages of written communication includes:

Messages can be edited and revised many time before it is actually sent.
Written communication provide record for every message sent and can be saved for later study.
A written message enables receiver to fully understand it and send appropriate feedback.

Disadvantages of written communication includes:

Unlike oral communication, Written communication doesn’t bring instant feedback.
It take more time in composing a written message as compared to word-of-mouth. and number of people struggles for writing ability.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. We can say that communication other than oral and written, such as gesture, body language, posture, tone of voice or facial expressions, is called nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is all about the body language of speaker.

Nonverbal communication helps receiver in interpreting the message received. Often, nonverbal signals reflects the situation more accurately than verbal messages. Sometimes nonverbal response contradicts verbal communication and hence affect the effectiveness of message.

Nonverbal communication have the following three elements:
  1. Appearance
  2. Speaker: clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetics
  3. Surrounding: room size, lighting, decorations, furnishings
Body Language

facial expressions, gestures, postures


Voice Tone, Volume, Speech rate

Types of Communication Based on Purpose and Style

Based on style and purpose, there are two main categories of communication and they both bears their own characteristics. Communication types based on style and purpose are:
  • Formal Communication
  • Informal Communication
Formal Communication

In formal communication, certain rules, conventions and principles are followed while communicating message. Formal communication occurs in formal and official style. Usually professional settings, corporate meetings, conferences undergoes in formal pattern.

In formal communication, use of slang and foul language is avoided and correct pronunciation is required. Authority lines are needed to be followed in formal communication.

Informal Communication

Informal communication is done using channels that are in contrast with formal communication channels. It’s just a casual talk. It is established for societal affiliations of members in an organization and face-to-face discussions. It happens among friends and family. In informal communication use of slang words, foul language is not restricted. Usually. informal communication is done orally and using gestures.

Informal communication, Unlike formal communication, doesn’t follow authority lines. In an organization, it helps in finding out staff grievances as people express more when talking informally. Informal communication helps in building relationships.

For more information clip here:

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Language and Communication

Gender and Communication: How Men and Women Communicate Differently

Body Language
  • Desire space
  • Tend to be withdrawn rather than engaged bodily
  • Do not touch, unless with same gender in playful aggression
  • Tend to move around and shift body when conversation is uncomfortable
  • Body alignment, face the other person
  • Use more hand gestures
  • Use more bodily contact
  • Sat relatively still

Facial Expression

  • Don’t use a lot of eye contact
  • Use more head motion
  • Conceal and control facial displays
  • Smile less
  • Use eye to eye contact
  • Use less head motion than men
  • Tend to express emotion through facial expression
  • Smile more
  • Use talk to assert their independence.
  • Sitting and talking is not an essential part of friendship
  • Hear talk of problems as a request for advice or help.
  • Give orders as a way of gaining social status.
  • Use more small talk.
  • Use conversation to negotiate closeness and intimacy.
  • Talking is the essence of intimacy; sitting and talking means friendship.
  • Speaking about problems is the essence of connection.
  • Rule by consensus; get the input of others to make a decision. 
  • Go in-depth on a topic.

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Language and Communication

Body Language in Animals

Animal communication has long been the subject of investigations by the science. It covers such a vast and mysterious land that each day he pays more attention and resources to elucidate new knowledge. 
Animals, like us, have their own codes of body language. Humans have lost some of this ability by the development we have achieved with oral language. Speech replaced in people other valuable and interesting forms of expression. Learning how to communicate with each other and with us through your body will give us very useful clues to decipher the messages trying to communicate. 

Many types of animal communication, in different ways and for different purposes, sound communication, physical, visual, olfactory, etc. 

We can also observe communication through sound, which is a language in the strict sense. In animals this type of communication, resulting in barking, roaring, chirping birds, crickets, buzzing, etc. 

We also found the body language, needs no words, no sounds, a single gesture speaks for itself. The animal uses his whole body to communicate in certain situations, for example we can see that birds are teachers in courtship dances. To "win", the male exhibits the best colors of its plumage and makes a series of moves to impress the female. If successful, it will be up joining the dance. The dances can last several hours. 

To send your message, animals may use both light and sound and vibration, smell or even electricity. The basic needs that animals communicating meet generally fall into three categories: food, find shelter and protection or procreate. These messages are relayed from the sensory organs to the brain of the animal, thus providing the necessary information for action to be taken: either eat, attack, flee, mate or ignore. 

For example, animals that live in herds often use this type of signals to establish hierarchies and mark the positions of power. Grooming in monkeys is not only a matter of hygiene, but marks who's boss: the heads are usually the first to be groomed. Also, a visual display as the tail of the peacock is an invitation to mating: turkey shows the female health and ability to breed in the colors of their colorful feathers. 

With the above examples we can realize that body language is extremely important because it expresses too much. Therefore learning a little body language of animals will help us have a better relationship.

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Language and communication

Communication Elephants 

Since elephants are highly intelligent, are among the most fascinating creatures to watch when it comes to how they communicate, use a combination of both verbal and non-verbal messages to convey. They are very kind to each other mostly about. Observe how they interact and how they communicate in the wild is an amazing experience. 
When communicating verbally impossible to ignore them, make loud noises with their bellows, can mean excitement, aggression and danger, send their messages through the horn sounds at different frequencies depending on what you want to communicate, it is common these sounds are heard several miles distance. 
When males attract females want to make sharp sounds, pregonándose for many hours during the day, this trend will keep several days in order to attract females. It is believed that this puts the female in heat, causes them to release hormones and becoming available to mate. 
When a nonverbal communication is concerned, the elephant has much to offer. When in contact with those they know, often entangle their horns as a sign of enthusiasm and affection, similar to how humans hug or shake hands. See also rubbing their bodies together in a sign of affection. 
Due to the high level of intelligence among elephants are one of the animals that appear to have more sophisticated forms of communication than others. That experience emotions that are very similar to those of human beings means that also shown through their communication.

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Language and Communication

How do animals communicate?

Animals might not be able to speak or master advanced language techniques, but they certainly have other ways of communicating. Whale song, wolf howls, frog croaks, bird chips -- even the waggle dance of the honeybee or the vigorous waving of a dog's tail -- are among the panoply of ways animals transmit information to each other and to other denizens of the animal kingdom.
Species often rely on verbal and nonverbal forms of communication, such as calls; non-vocal auditory outbursts, like the slap of a dolphin's tail on the water; bioluminescence; scent marking; chemical or tactile cues; visual signals and postural gestures. Fireflies and peacocks are classic examples of brilliant bioluminescence and impressive visual displays, respectively. Ants use chemical cues (in a process called chemoreception) to help guide their foraging adventures, as well as for other activities like telling friend from foe, connecting with new mates and marshalling the colony's defenses.
When it comes to acoustic communication, not every member of a species is just alike. Animals in different regions have often been overhead sounding off in different dialects. For example, one study found that blue whales produce different patterns of pulses, tones and pitches depending on where they're from. Some bird species are the same way. And what about those birds that live on the border between territories of differing songsters? They often become bilingual, so to speak, and able to communicate in the singing parlance favored by each of their groups of neighbors.
Communication between species can play important roles as well. One study suggested that the reason Madagascan spiny-tailed iguanas have well-developed ears -- despite the fact that they don't communicate vocally -- is so they can hear the warning calls of the Madagascan paradise flycatcher. The two species have nothing in common except for the fact that they share a general habitat and raptors like to snack on them. So when an iguana hears a bird raise the alarm among other birds, it likely knows to be on alert for incoming predators, too.
However, as noise pollution interferes with animal communiqués all across the globe, many animals' ability to communicate effectively comes under fire. Increased shipping traffic over the last century has dramatically affected the transfer of whale song around the ocean basin. Studies have found that songbirds, too, suffer from noisy (albeit terrestrial) urban environs. Some species have had to modify their singing styles, producing songs that are louder and shriller, in order to be heard above the clamor. Pumped up volume usually leads to simpler and somewhat inferior styles of singing that female birds seem to find decidedly less sexy.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Language and Communication of Dolphins

Dolphins are like a child who does not shut up, constantly make sounds of communication or navigation. These sounds are made in different ways. 
The echolocation sounds produced in the nostrils just below his nostrils, and are called clicks. Sometimes occur in such rapid succession that sound like buzzing. These sounds are made just behind the Mellon, an oil, a little out of the center of mass could be called a dolphin's forehead. 
Scientists are not entirely sure how the Mellon works but seems to expand and clarify the echolocation sounds and can play an important role in the collection of sounds that bounce. Detects all highly detailed information around them. 
Dolphins communicate like most other animals, their shrieks and whistles and often communicate emotional states, the presence of danger and the food in the area.

Project 2: Language and Communication

Hello everyone!! Welcome back to my blog, it is time to start a new topic now talk about language and communication, I will focus on the language of animals to see how rich is our planet to have a great cultural diversity. In addition, I will discuss the communication between humans and not always understand what you want to express. In my opinion is an interesting topic and we learn a lot.

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Bye Globalization

Goodbye Globalization

It's time to say goodbye to globalization and focus on new topics, not forgetting how much we learned in this very long but full of great mysteries, and especially of great learning that help us to have a little more culture and know where we want to go. Globalization unites us as human beings and what we need is to share how much or little we know.

Globalization and Health

"Themes, issues and concerns that transcend national boundaries, may be influenced by circumstances or experiences in other countries, and be better addressed by coopera'vas actions and solutions."
The Institute of Medicine


  • Transcends national boundaries
  • Global cooperation
  • Includes prevention and care
  • Your goal is equity
  • It is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary 
  • Related to the process of globalization
Effects of globalization in public health:

  • Impact on health systems, services and health policy
  • Increased exposure to risks such as infectious diseases (tuberculosis, HIV, malaria, cholera) 
  • New lifestyles (obesity, hunger)
  • Problems arising from environmental pollution
    I think globalization have advantages and disadvantages, but all depends of us and the context of whatever you can to see

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Main features of globalization:

In recent decades there have been a number of significant changes:
World trade in goods and services has increased dramatically.
New industrialized countries have dramatically in Latin America and Asia (China, Brazil ...).
The financial system has been internationalized leading to a world capital market.
The pro-free trade policies have been imposed in most countries.
Large multinational corporations have played a key role in this economic process that has been supported by major international institutions like the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund.
The result of all these changes is the global economic interdependence. However, it should be noted that the strong economic crisis that began in 2008 has opened a period of great uncertainty that impede predict economic developments in the coming years.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Communication Globalization

Through the globalization of communication greater public interest is generated, a good example is social media, where we can realize that "local" news become "global" and turn it over to the world through this new media.
Where globalization leads in communication? You only have to mention that the future of the media in general are based on this globalization, because it fed their contents.

What is another way the media have globalized in the world?

  • Stereotypes 
  • Consumption 

Globalization really began with the technology by which we began to learn about other cultures and events.

What has contributed to the content?

  • Radio 
  • TV 
  • Internet 

Globalization enhances communication of information on networks (technology). Unfortunately this progress and technological development have brought distractions and misuse of this globalization, as they have taken the tools of the internet as a negative for the education of children and adolescents, because as the saying goes "Everything in excess is bad" and more if we misuse these great earnings, which we must seize and maximize to create a better future for Mexico.

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Globalization of Food

The world agrifood system is becoming increasingly globalized. As the majority of the world moves into cities, and as rural inhabitants who are connected to infrastructure adopt more urbanized lifestyles, food consumption is becom- ing both more varied and more similar around the world. The food processing and retail industries have become global players, and farmers are increasingly specializing their production, leading to changes in inputs such as water, seeds, feeds, and technical equipment and, ultimately, to new organizational arrangements in the food system.

The construction of a better world calls for a value-based approach. Globalization has generated levels of wealth never seen before, making possible and therefore, morally inescapable the previously utopian task of eliminating poverty and hunger on the planet. This is now more urgent than ever: while rising food prices are threatening the already precarious livelihoods of many of the world’s most vulnerable people in the short term; proper global governance structures and institutions related to the four interrelated issues of food, energy, climate change, and natural resource management will be crucial for the poor and the hungry and, indeed, for all humanity in the medium and long terms.

For more information about this, you can enter to this link:

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Globalization and Sports

 “As modern sport has become global in scope it has largely lost its playful character and its professional practice has become both a global media spectacle and a serious and financially significant global business,”  Barry Stuart

Sport’s purpose is no longer limited to entertainment, often intermingling with trade, business and politics. The most popular cultural products – whether books, food or sports – tend to require little culturally specific knowledge, have an “emotional, sensory or intellectual appeal” that transcends local concerns; and can be effectively marketed across borders, particularly via television or the internet.

In soccer, the entire English Premier League season is broadcast in more than 200 countries, reaching 643 million households.
To build fan bases and audiences, top leagues in various sports now schedule games outside their home countries.
Many of the world’s top soccer teams now routinely play preseason matches around the world. In the United States, those matches regularly sell out large American football stadiums and generate enough of an audience that Fox, ESPN and NBC have been enthusiastic bidders for U.S. rights to games. NBC recently signed a $250 million deal for three-year rights to show all Premier League matches in the United States, using its cable networks and Web sites.

Currently around the world unites to enjoy a number of games that unite us as a team and encourage that as humans we can enjoy beautiful moments.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

How does globalization affect our daily lives?

How does globalization affect our daily lives? 

Negative effects: 
- Destroy local identities:
  Homogeneous global society
- Increased consumerism:
  (Consumption v / s Consumerism)
- Undermines ecosystems:
  National economies connected with the world and create the effect of global warming.
- Internationalize the capital:
  (Transnational or Multinational)
- Concentrates wealth:
  (Those more developed countries)
- Banishes the regulatory work of the states:
  (State auditor)

Positive effects: 
- Increase the level of community life in general
- Massifies culture and brings together communities of different lifestyles
- Media massifies

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Globalization: Opportunities and Risks

Globalization is a historical economic, cultural and environmental multifaceted process, policies, offering great opportunities to advance global development. Trade, financial flows and modernization of electronic communications have enabled an increasing integration of economies around the world.

But globalization is not progressing evenly. Some countries have integrated into the global economy more quickly than others; those who have done so have registered faster economic growth and poverty reduction have been achieved. these countries as improved living conditions, progress in its democratic process; economically, they made ​​progress on issues such as the environment and working conditions.

The opportunities offered by globalization have, however, been offset by the risk of volatility of capital flows and the risk of deterioration in the social, economic and environmental situation. I think that globalization is good but in a certain point, because has a advantages and disadvantage, we need to find a way to get a balance on offer and demand.

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

Globalization of the brands

Globalization is the generic name by which it is known today on a set of interrelated socio economic phenomena, its a interdependence between societies and remote regions. This interdependence has had a significant influence on trade relations between nations, affecting corporate marketing and specifically to brands

Globalization can provide stability to a brand. It is a fact that leaders in the United States in the twenties brands are leading brands in our world today. One reason could be the tendency to a certain homogenization of consumer tastes in different countries. At least, buying behaviors and consumption of certain segments tend to be increasingly similar.

We can note that travel abroad influence this homogenization of tastes and trends. It also contributes to the availability today in any product market had difficulty leaving their home country before to lower barriers that exist today in international trade.

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Different meanings of globalization:

General: Globalization si the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.

Economic globalization: Is the creation of a global market in which all tariff barriers are removed to allow free movement of capital: financial, commercial and production.

Cultural: Set of customs of a community, is the way of life of a people, composed of customs, traditions, norms and artistic expressions. 

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

What is globalization?


Welcome to the blog, I'm going to talk concepts,definitions, important aspects, risks, causes about globalization and others. Also I'm going to talk about how affect globalization on the life of the people, benefits like medicine, technology, clothes, food, stereotypes and communication.