martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Language and Communication

Parentese: baby-directed talk in sign language

Parentese (known as "motherese", an older term) is defined as "a type of baby-directed talk or 'baby talk' which many parents use to communicate with their infants." It is found in many cultures around the world. And, of course, also found in signed languages.

In spoken languages, a parent speaks parentese to the infant in a high-pitched voice along with a slower rhythm. Speech is clear and has exaggerated intonation with longer vowel production. Words or phrases are repeated. the parent pauses long between sentences or phrases to allow the child to think.

In addition, the parent expands what the child says. E.g. child, "cat." Parent, "Yes, it is a cat." "The cat likes you, too." "The cat wants to be friend with you." She/he may use facial expression, manual gesture (e.g. pointing), and prolonged eye contact.

Studies show that infants prefer baby talk opposed to adult talk. Many people think that this type of talk is "dumbing" the child down; however, study shows that babies learn language more efficiently. Although, many parents do adult talk with their infants, which may benefit too. In parentese, studies have shown that native-signing parents use different facial grammar with babies. For example, native-signing parents intuitively modify their facial grammar to a more pleasing affective facial expression.

Similar to some characteristics of speech parentese, the following typical characteristics of parentese in sign language are:

  • clear signing
  • exaggerated movements of the signed words
  • exaggerated facial grammar and facial expression.
  • repetition of signed words or phrases.
  • expanding what the child says
  • pauses between sentences or phrases.
  • simple, short sentences
  • extensive use of pointing
  • prolonged eye contact and gaze
  • using cinematic effects, transformations, and other effects
I found this information in the next link:

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Gaby! This stage is very important for the babies and the parents because the parents should have together with the babies because they dont speak so they communicate with sounds and gestures, so the babies need to be care for parents and loved.

  2. Hi Gaby! I'm really agree with you, I personally believe that the attention that the parents gives to the babies it's the most important because they have a lot of influence in them. I know that the babies learn with songs, or readings from parents, so this is important to do when they are going to sleep or when they are awake but doing nothing. I like so much your post! Greetings!
