viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014


Communion, also known as Eucharist is one of the most important sacraments of Catholicism as it involves receiving the body and blood of Christ. With this sacrament the true life is filled with grace and a bond of unity and charity narrows.The bread and wine are consecrated in the ceremony of the Mass and become the body and blood of Jesus that believers receive them as ritual connection with God and eternal life.

To receive the sacrament of communion the faithful must have been stripped of sins, in other words, before you receive  must confess their sins to a priest. After penance send it may receive the body and blood of Christ. The priest is the only individual who can perform this ceremony.

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Cemetery Pomuch

In Pomuch, Campeche, the traditions of Day of the Dead acquire a special feature. Families removed from their boxes and ossuaries bones of their dead, burrow between the basins of the skulls, shaking with a cloth, ribs and phalanges, because that is what tradition dictates that unites the living with those who are gone.

"We took the dead and make cleaning. Bring the drawer and embroidered blanket. We cleaned well and estibamos inside. It takes the ossuary where it will and fits well. He lay their flowers and candle. Already in the deceased's house the table is set with -prepared pibipollo mass and meat cooked in tomato and seasonings baked on earth and everything else he liked: Sugar Loaf or salty, sweet coconut or pumpkin, water or drink, which is what I preferred the deceased. And he prayed again. "

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Funeral Ceremony

Referred to that ceremony funeral performed after the death of a person and que tendrá la misión de despedirse por última ocación.

Broadly speaking and in line with the proposal of the Catholic religion, when a believer dies, his relatives have the ceremony in a church, is almost always bury the dead in a cemetery along with the remains those of their parents and close relatives.
Family and friends of the person who has just died reach the cemetery and accompany the casket carrying the remains of the deceased to the place of burial.

Wedding Ceremony

The marriage ceremony, whether accomplished through civil or religious, involves several traditional issues such as: the presentation to the appropriate authority, priest or magistrate, who will take care of officiating, regulate and regulate the procedure in question the manifestation of the will of the couple formally constitute the union and finally as a corollary and stamp of the commitment the exchange of rings between the parties. 
Some traditions are:
  • The bride should wear white, color symbolizing purity; 
  • Groom for any reason should see the bride dressed as such until a day before the celebration; 
  • In the civil marriage the couple choose witnesses of that union, generally being close friends or family; 
  • In the religious marriage godparents are normally the parents of the groom; 
  • The day after the wedding, the couple leaves honeymoon trip to celebrate their union, among the most recognized and respected.

Welcome again!

A wedding ceremony
In this section, we will discuss the ceremonies in the world.The ceremony term used to refer to those events that represent some kind of celebration, festivity or celebration. 
The ceremony is the time in which is conducted the central part of a celebration, that is, for example, at which time the couple give each other in a marriage or the time when a child is baptized. The concept of ceremony is very interesting when you consider that all societies on the planet made and have made this type of action throughout its history, with different objectives, interests or projects. Usually, the ceremonies are events or happy moments but there are ceremonies full of sadness or nostalgia, for example when it comes to funeral ceremonies.