jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Bye Ceremonies

It's moment to say goodbye to the Ceremonies but within forget the three steps that a ceremony has: previous status, transition and New status!  Thank you for reading this blog! Have and excellent night! 

Mayan Cha-Chaac

This Mayan ceremony is performed from time immemorial, to ask the god Chac, ruler of the rains, their favors and so the corn can develop and grow.

This ritual is very unique and no male outside the community can participate unless invited. If we ever get to enjoy that privilege, when we get to Mount chosen for the ceremony will see that everything is activity, a cut sticks for Caanché (altar), others open trench which will serve oven, others fill a large bowl with water . The H-men (witch man) notice our arrival and then we asked if we seriously to respect what they see and hear. So if he gives us the blessing, crosswise with some branches, it means that we have been accepted.

The H-men should observe the work to see if they are doing well. Even children can participate either as much, toads, which will croak for rain, or as birds of Mount imitating their croak

Under the trees will zaca vessels, the ritual beverage made from corn and sweetened with honey. In other vessels will be the balché, sacred liquor made from the bark of the same name, fermented with honey and water for several days.

Once the altar, staves form a cross finished, beverages and H-men takes away the incense and pray helped by the sacristan of the ceremony is raised. Children will be placed around the altar and croak differently.

Ceremony lasts three days and three times a day and balché sacá taken.

On the last day several chickens are killed, the boys are charged with killing them, but before prays and gives nine laps around the altar. People can send mass at the ceremony and her bread is made. The loaves are formed with nine layers of dough into tortillas, beans and ground seed in each and then wrapped with leaves smeared, the loaves are placed in trenches that were made in the land above and serve as oven.

While the bread is cooked, the H-men made the last request of rain.

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Ceremony of the Olympic Games

Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games ceremonies usually start with raising the flag of the host country and hearing their national anthem. The host nation then presents artistic displays of music, song, dance, theater and representatives of their culture. The traditional part of the ceremony begins with the parade of nations, in which most participating athletes march into the stadium, country by country.
Subsequently, parade through the alphabet in the language of the host country, each of the delegations, the latter being the country anfitrion. The representative of the host country, officially declared open the Games. Then the Olympic flag is hoisted and the Olympic Anthem is played.

The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games takes place after all sporting events have reached their conclusion. They are hoisted three flags, while the corresponding national anthems are played: the flag of Greece, in honor of the birthplace of the Olympic Games, the flag of the current host country and the flag of the host of the next Summer Olympics country.

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

Hindu Wedding

Hindu Wedding 

The whole ceremony revolves around the "Brahman", the great religious authority (the traditional religion of India, believe in the absolute power of God Brahman); This ceremony is full of symbols and practices designed to teach the couple lessons for their future life in common purpose. The three basic rituals of this ceremony are: the ritual "homa" of offering to the fire; the "panigrahena" indicating the bond of union of the couple; the ritual "satapadi" which consists in achieving seven laps they should give the couple around the sacred fire. By completing these seven times, get used to chant mantras and read some scriptures, to invoke the blessings of the union of the couple.

The great wealth of this ritual ceremonial wedding is complemented by a rich and colorful costumes of the couple. The bride usually wear red, with multiple ornaments and embroidered in gold thread and richly dressed in jewels and beads. The groom dresses up like a locker holiday, embroidered cotton.

When meeting the couple, a wreath is exchanged, a sacred passages are read, and generally, a series of amulets are exchanged. The groom, as a token of acceptance of the bride, tie a garland around the neck of the bride as a symbol of fidelity and happiness. The groom, to indicate the new state of the bride, spray your hair with a red powder, which indicates that this woman is already married. Once married, the couple receive the "rain" of rice as a symbol of prosperity.

As tradition dictates this ritual of marriage has three main objectives:

1. "Dharma" Having the presence of another person to fulfill their religious duties.

2. "Praja" whose purpose is to have offspring.

3. "Krama", having a partner for sexual pleasure.



The Inti Raymi (Quechua 'festival of the Sun') was an ancient Andean religious ceremony in the Peru-South, in honor of Inti (Sun God) that every winter solstice took place in the Andes.
The Inti Raymi was the most important of the four festivals in the Inca empire. Lasted 15 days, which were dances and sacrifices. In 1572 the Viceroy Francisco de Toledo (1515-1584) forbade considering it a pagan and contrary to the Catholic faith ceremony. 
The Inti Raymi still is celebrated as syncretic rite in many Andean communities. The set includes related festivities throughout the month of June and part of July, each city its own rites and customs, daily life as a result of the celebrations would stop. At the time of the Incas, this ceremony was held at the Auca leg (now Square of Cusco) square.
On the appointed day the Inca and his relatives waited barefoot sunrise in the square, squat with open arms, received to the sun. Then the Inca, two glasses of gold, offered chicha: the glass he held in his left hand drank their relatives; the right was poured and poured into a tinajón gold.
In the world of rites and ceremonies dating back to ancient times and need only define that at all times the garments, acts objects were very sui generis typical of the time.

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014


Communion, also known as Eucharist is one of the most important sacraments of Catholicism as it involves receiving the body and blood of Christ. With this sacrament the true life is filled with grace and a bond of unity and charity narrows.The bread and wine are consecrated in the ceremony of the Mass and become the body and blood of Jesus that believers receive them as ritual connection with God and eternal life.

To receive the sacrament of communion the faithful must have been stripped of sins, in other words, before you receive  must confess their sins to a priest. After penance send it may receive the body and blood of Christ. The priest is the only individual who can perform this ceremony.

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Cemetery Pomuch

In Pomuch, Campeche, the traditions of Day of the Dead acquire a special feature. Families removed from their boxes and ossuaries bones of their dead, burrow between the basins of the skulls, shaking with a cloth, ribs and phalanges, because that is what tradition dictates that unites the living with those who are gone.

"We took the dead and make cleaning. Bring the drawer and embroidered blanket. We cleaned well and estibamos inside. It takes the ossuary where it will and fits well. He lay their flowers and candle. Already in the deceased's house the table is set with -prepared pibipollo mass and meat cooked in tomato and seasonings baked on earth and everything else he liked: Sugar Loaf or salty, sweet coconut or pumpkin, water or drink, which is what I preferred the deceased. And he prayed again. "